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A Unique Experience

No Limits...Explore the Unexplored...Let's Go!

Looking for a quiet getaway? Escape the hustle and bustle. Our hotel promises a unique experience unlike any other. Surrounded by nature, you'll feel rejuvenated by the tranquil atmosphere. With serene views of the ocean, you'll have endless opportunities to relax and unwind. Whether you plan to stay inside or explore the natural surroundings, our hotel has everything you need for your next escape.

Points of Interests


Trou Gras Point, Micoud

Rugged peninsula stretching almost 10-miles into the ocean

Vierge Point Micoud

2-miles of coastline with interesting caves, rocky slopes and bits of feldspars, quartz and jasper. The map of St. Lucia is also carved in the rock basin.

Waterfalls and Rainforest

Historical Sites & Adventure


Anse Capitaine, Micoud

Relics of past civilization

Micoud Bay, Micoud

A Rich site can be found there

Hiking, Nature & Beach

Fond Bay Suites Hotel has access to approximately 500-acres of lush tropical hiking terrain featuring: wild cactis, native trees, land and hermit crabs, various species of birds including the thrasher, butterflies, banana and coconut agriculture, river, secluded natural beaches, ocean surge pools and incredible ocean views.

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Fond Bay Suites Hotel
For breathtaking ocean views wrapped in nature and local culture. 


Adventure & Fun

Bird watching, explore secluded beaches, nature trail hike, cobble stone cliff climbing, exotic garden tour
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